Monday, December 29, 2008

serious cracking issues ?

So what’s the deal with all the cracking issues. First there was the Iphone 3g (white version) with random cracks on the housing. Then there was the Palm Treo Pro again Radom cracks in the housing for no reason. Now it the Sony Xperia 1 with cracking issues on the housing. Is there some plastic issue going around? Did Sony foresee all this in testing? Is this why Sony is choosing another company to make there windows mobile devices? Could it be a sign that HTC is easing up on there standards? There is also news of some HTC Diamonds having back light problems. A lot of questions not that many answers.
According to the article on wmexperts not all the Sony Xperia’s are having problems just a certain production week 08W44-08W46 as indicated on the Xperia's Information Sticker.
The people at xda developers have started this thread about the problem Xperia problem
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There is also a thread at Treocentral about the Treo pro problem
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