Sunday, January 11, 2009

Microsoft more is bad less is good?

Todd Peters, the vice president of marketing for the Windows Mobile division Said In a interview with the new york times. "that microsoft has a big announcement at the mobile world congress next month". Mr peters was also asked how does microsoft plan to stay competitive in the mobile world. His response
"by limiting the number of devices built with the Windows Mobile operating system. At present, there are around 140 such devices, from a range of cell phone makers, from Samsung to Palm and many in between….The reason that Microsoft is limiting the number of phones with the operating system is because, he said, "the company does not want to have its efforts diluted over too many devices. I'd rather have fewer devices and be more focused," he said. That way "we get better integration between phone and operating system"
Mr peters Thats all good that you wanna make a better singular platform with less manufactures. But doesn't it defeat one the purpose of choicing windows mobile? Having the ablity to choose different manufactures, that add there own special touches. Some people like Palm windows devices soley because of the front facing keyboard, well others like HTC devices because of there hardware and hack ablity. Do windows mobile users really want to only have a couple devices to choose from like apples iphone? Microsoft does need to work on revamping the os
Story taken from solsie

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