Monday, June 22, 2009

Is this the HTC Firestone

Some pictures have surfaced that look like they could be the HTC Firestone. The device looks very bland, nothing really stands out. Yes it has a 8mp camera but looks like it lacks the optics to make the camera good. Seems like all the newer pocket pc's (yes I said ppc not professional) are starting to just "mush" into looking the same. Most of them are now rocking 3 plus inch screens, all of them are rocking at least  500 mhz processor. None of the current or up coming devices stand out from each other. Sure you can say well this has a 8mp camera ,this has a oled screen but its only minor features that separate them. Could this be another stumbling block for windows mobile? Or was it ment to happen so that windows mobile could progress further.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

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