Tuesday, June 23, 2009

windows mobile are they naughty by nature?

so could this be the beginning of a good thing for windows mobile? what i mean is that are they going to start going mainstream with celebrities and music artists, to promote windows mobile as this cool capable operating system? sure Naughty by Nature is a old school rap group, but if Microsoft keeps up with this type of marketing then could bring back windows mobile to its glory day. lets not forget windows mobile is more than capable of doing everything the new "Iphone 3g S" can. as a matter of fact its been doing it for years before the iPhone even came about.
but then there will be those fans boys that no matter what you say, will try to bring down windows mobile and just laugh at this type of ad. for instance they will say "its just a shell" (referring to touchflo 3d) or "its to slow and clunky". that maybe true but how many other mobile os do you know that can run different operating systems on them? I ask you don't you ever get tired of not being able to send a text while streaming music? dont you hate having to stop surfing the on the web when you get a text to respond?
i hope Microsoft brings windows mobile back to its glory days and show the new mobile os community what a smart phone is

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