Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Top dawg in town

So the big news in town is the HTC HD2. Ya I said 2 I remember when the first was announced and released. The phone itself is a big escape from the normal hardware that we see on most windows mobile phones. Ya there are some higher spec'd phone like HTC advantage. (bigger screen) 
Lets get the specs out of the way
°4.3 inch capactive screen 
°5 MP camera with flash and autofocus
°WVGA (800x400) screen
° 512 mb rom 448 mb ram
° 1230 MaH
° 3.5 mm stereo headset
Among other things. 
  First lets talk about the big ones; 
Capactive screen this will be the first windows mobile phone to have it. But it mostly relys on htc adjusting the target point on the screen and some adjustment on th UI. Some of the windows mobile 6.5.1 menus have been made finger friendly.  As you can see in the picture HTC has gone to great lenghts to skin windows mobile. The home screen looks nothing like it did a few years ago.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Been a long time

Well its time I start posting on this blog again. After a 4 month detour, I'm going to be start posting on a regular basis. 
There has been alot of new since I last posted. Everything from new hardware to windows 6.5 official release. But there is also some bad new like stiffer competition from other operating system, like android.
Some other mentionable news
°Palm pre gets numerous updates
°HTC HD2 gets announced and unboxed
°application store launches
°verizon signs deal with moto to bring "droid" to the market with decent specs
°AT&T actually gets another iphone like phone but better with the diamond 2
°HTC and microsoft start a marketing

So many other things I've missed but these are the topics that got me thinking the most

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Dorothy New webkit browser for windows mobile

There is another webkit browser for windows mobile. At the moment the only other webkit browser for windows mobile is "iris" by the torch company. (webkit engine is the same type of browser that's used in palm pre,iphone,g1). The diffrences between this and Iris
* require a WVGA screen (800x400)
* atleast a 400mhz processor
* closed beta 
* up to 3 times faster rendering the opera mobile
Some of the negtives being reported are choppy scrolling. Also note that the fellows over at fuze mobilty have said it works fine on a "fuze" aka touch pro

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

got a new Toshiba TG01 guess what it came with

so if you were lucky enough to buy a Toshiba tg01 recently you might have had a surprise in the box. sure it didnt come described on the box or in the manual but according to some reports it was a nasty little bugger. the device that launched on the 02 network and was hope to be a flagship winmo device came with a virus on the microsd card. not much is know about the actual virus but its said to infect regular computers not pocket pc's. no real damage most pocket pc user do a hard rest and format there card anyways to you should be fine
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streaming video comes to touch flo 3d

looks like the guys over at xda developers have come up with a tab inside of touchflo3d for streaming video. the user "Netdrg" has created a tab called manilla tv. which allows you to watch live and some recorded tv. its not a new thing to be able to watch tv on a windows phone, but it is fairly new that you can launch it from tf3d. your also able to use "orb" a alternative to slingbox. if your still into the tf3d shell it gives a added feature

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Another youtube client for windows mobile

There is a new youtube client for windows mobile. The feature that make it stand out, is the ability to download the video for later.the formats that you can save are flv.3gpp and mp4.Although this isn't the only client that does this it seems to have a flashy ui interms of windows mobile.  You can download the application by following the link

GetyTV YouTube Downloader freeware for Windows Mobile Pocket PC.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Check out this web page...

Looks like the days of watching anything in skyfire is coming to a end. Windows mobile users are reporting that you can no longer view hulu on skyfire I guess it was good while it lasted, all good thinks come to a end. There are some rumors that a hulu application is in the works but nothing soild

Hulu blocking Skyfire browser | WMExperts

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Another windows mobile devices gets dual booted os

Looks like another windows mobile device gets the option to boot in  different operating systems. The first being windows mobile 6.5 and now android. This is yet another benfit to windows mobile, that other operating system can do. 
But in all fairness this is barley working on this model. Not fully functional as other ports. The HTC Vouge aka touch has a port to android as well. The Vouge can make and recive calls, as well as text and surf the web

[Project] ANDROMNiA - Android on Omnia - WinMo @ MoDaCo

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Friday, June 26, 2009

Hd wobble not what you would think

Iboobs come to windows mobile in the form or HDwobble. If your not familiar with the app, you basiclly get to shake a womens breasts by simple shaking the phone in the direction you want them to move in. Using the gsensor in the new HTC Pocket pcs you have the ability to so. But the diffrence between iboobs and this app is that you can chose the are that you want to jiggle
Here is a short video

[App][08.06.2009] hdWobble - xda-developers

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Tmobile dash 3G

Mobileburn has some live pictures of the upcoming tmobile dash 3g. The phone comes after a long wait from the much outdated tmobile dash. The phone is pretty much the HTC Snap with a few external diffrence. 
If you still have a dash or motorola q this looks like your device to upgrade to Image: Live photo/video look at the T-Mobile Dash 3G

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

windows mobile are they naughty by nature?

so could this be the beginning of a good thing for windows mobile? what i mean is that are they going to start going mainstream with celebrities and music artists, to promote windows mobile as this cool capable operating system? sure Naughty by Nature is a old school rap group, but if Microsoft keeps up with this type of marketing then could bring back windows mobile to its glory day. lets not forget windows mobile is more than capable of doing everything the new "Iphone 3g S" can. as a matter of fact its been doing it for years before the iPhone even came about.
but then there will be those fans boys that no matter what you say, will try to bring down windows mobile and just laugh at this type of ad. for instance they will say "its just a shell" (referring to touchflo 3d) or "its to slow and clunky". that maybe true but how many other mobile os do you know that can run different operating systems on them? I ask you don't you ever get tired of not being able to send a text while streaming music? dont you hate having to stop surfing the on the web when you get a text to respond?
i hope Microsoft brings windows mobile back to its glory days and show the new mobile os community what a smart phone is

Monday, June 22, 2009

Is this the HTC Firestone

Some pictures have surfaced that look like they could be the HTC Firestone. The device looks very bland, nothing really stands out. Yes it has a 8mp camera but looks like it lacks the optics to make the camera good. Seems like all the newer pocket pc's (yes I said ppc not professional) are starting to just "mush" into looking the same. Most of them are now rocking 3 plus inch screens, all of them are rocking at least  500 mhz processor. None of the current or up coming devices stand out from each other. Sure you can say well this has a 8mp camera ,this has a oled screen but its only minor features that separate them. Could this be another stumbling block for windows mobile? Or was it ment to happen so that windows mobile could progress further.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre